Introduction to Web Development

Fundamentals of web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Instructor: John Smith
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Syllabus :

    Week 1: Introduction to Web Development
  • Overview of web development technologies.
  • Setting up a development environment.
  • Introduction to HTML.

  • Week 2: HTML Basics
  • HTML document structure.
  • HTML elements and attributes.
  • Creating a simple webpage.

  • Week 3: CSS Fundamentals
  • Introduction to CSS.
  • CSS syntax and selectors
  • Styling HTML elements.

Course Roadmap :

    Week 1-2: Building the Foundation
  • Introduction to web development and tools.
  • Setting up a development environment.
  • Learning HTML basics.

  • Week 3-4: Styling with CSS
  • Understanding CSS syntax and selectors
  • Styling HTML elements and creating layouts.
  • Implementing responsive design.

  • Week 5-6: Adding Interactivity with JavaScript
  • JavaScript and programming concepts.
  • Document Object Model (DOM).
  • Handling user interactions with event handling.

  • Week 4: CSS Layout and Positioning
  • CSS box model.
  • Layout techniques: Flexbox and Grid.
  • Responsive web design.